I thought I would end up writing a review or something as my second post but I actually ordered from an ELF survey not long ago and I got my order today. I wish I had ordered more! I've never used ELF before and I was so excited. The girl who has the survey has another batch so I'll probably order more because I am loving what I got.
Since I live in Canada, we don't have Target or anything that sells ELF. But good new news for you Canadians because Zellers sells ELF now! I was so shocked when I went to the make up section of Zellers, they have a lot of the predesigned kits and palettes from the Studio Line. They don't have like the separate brushes or anything, boo. My sister actually bought this set:
And she really likes it so go check it out! The best part is it was only $12 CDN but it's $15 on the site!
Anyway back to my haul, I bought a few more things from this seller, she is from soompi and has her own little shop too so I bought two things.

From Left to Right:
Complexion Brush
Powder Brush
High Definition Powder
All Over Color Stick in Pink Lemonade
All Over Color Stick in Persimmon (for my sister)
Shimmer Stick (from her shop)
Epistick (from her shop and for my friend)
I'm 100% happy with my purchase and I definitely want to buy again. I already have my own Epistick that I love to use with with the hair on my upper lip and I knew my friend wanted one so I bought it for her. Also, here's a swatch of the Pink Lemonade Color Stick and the Shimmer Stick:

It's pretty true to color in this photo but I swatched it a bit harder so you can see it better.
That's it for now, thanks for reading this! I`ll try to post up something better for my next post.