Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Review: Neutrogena Anti Residue Shampoo

I've been experiencing some build up in my hair and it's been really bothering me because my hair feels a lot oilier and I feel the need to wash it more when I really shouldn't I heard about this shampoo on some other blogs so I decided to try it. I bought this at Shopper's Drug Mart for about $10 which is a little pricey, but considering the fact that it's only for once a week use, I believed that it would be worth it and last a while.

Right now since I don't use many products in my hair (only shampoo, conditioner and serum), I opted to use it once every 2 weeks instead of one. I've used it for about 2 months now and I use about a palm full on my chest length hair. My very first thought about it was that it smells really strong. At first I was overcome by the smell and although it's not entirely bad, it was really strong and I was taken aback at first. It smells a bit like medicine and does not lather as well as other shampoos I have used.

After I rinsed out the shampoo and used conditioner, my hair felt really clean. I couldn't feel any more build up in my hair. My hair usually gets oily in a day and my hair felt clean even after 2 days. I used it a few more times in the next few weeks and it hasn't made my scalp itchy or given me dandruff like some other shampoos do.

I really do recommend this product to anyone who uses a lot of hair products and feels build up in their hair often. It does what it's suppose to do really well although to anyone I recommend it to I will warn them about the smell!

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